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Beneath, You're Beautiful Page 6

  “Sunshine, don’t get me wrong, I would love to do naughty things with you, but this is neither the time nor the place.” He reached for something on the table next to him. I struggled to see what it was because I was so focused on the other table that was full of my surprises when we arrived.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I did as I was told and felt him shift a bit and then he grabbed my hand and placed a thick card in it. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”

  I opened them to find a photograph of a beautiful lake home. “What is this?” I asked as I lifted the picture to get a closer look. He had piqued my interest, but I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

  “This is where we will be going in two weeks to relax and celebrate moving to the next chapter. It’s my lake home. I figured you could use a break from the scenery around here so I’m taking you away for a few days.”

  The look on his face was sexy and confident. There was no way I could say no to it, but I wasn’t about to give in that easily. “What if I already have plans with the girls?”

  “I would say that is a bold-faced lie because I happen to know from Dana and Jen that you are definitely available, and they have already started packing for you. Nice try, though.” He appeared unbothered as he starting scrolling through something on his phone.

  “Hold on there, Dr. Sneaky.” I plucked his phone from his hands. “Let me get this straight. You went behind my back and used my friends as accomplices so you could plan to steal me away for a long weekend without my consent?”

  He lifted his right hand to his chin and rubbed his forefinger across his lips pondering my question. “Now that I think about it, that pretty much sums it up. However, I’m asking for your consent now, so technically you are incorrect in that part of your statement. Man, you’re a difficult patient.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” I nudged his side. “So tell me about where you’re going to hold me captive.”

  “I’m not holding you captive if you’re willing to go. So, let me ask you properly.” Scooting off the bed, he turned to sit facing me. He took my hand that was free of IV lines and cleared his throat. “Victoria, would you accompany me to my lake home for a few days?”

  I looked down at the picture that was still in my hand. The single-story lake home had beige wooden siding and several beautiful white French doors that opened up to a stone patio that curved around the house on the lake side. It overlooked the lake and had stairs that curved down the side of the hill toward a small boat house that was a miniature version of the real thing.

  The picture was taken in the summer, and a gorgeous outdoor living area was set with cushioned chairs and ottomans. Pots of bright, beautiful plants were placed on tables and stone planter boxes were set on the steps leading up to the family room area of the house. It was very New England–looking, and I loved it. We were getting close to spring, but it was still chilly and snow was still on the ground, even though it had started melting with the sun during the day.

  Blake interrupted my thoughts. “It’s much prettier in the summer. However, there is something special about the nice and cozy feel in the winter months.”

  “Okay,” I responded without even thinking.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “I guess it is,” I admitted. The thought of disappearing from home for a few days sounded like just what I needed.

  “Good. You know you’re supposed to follow doctors’ orders at all times, right?”

  “Why do I feel like you aren’t referring to typical doctors’ orders?”

  “Probably because you’re right. Some of the things I have in mind shouldn’t be written on a prescription pad, so you will just have to trust me.”

  The man had a way of putting a double meaning behind everything. He completely intrigued me and kept me on my toes. “So, what am I supposed to pack?”

  “Warm clothes and outdoor wear. I have a snowmobile and thought we could go for a ride on the trails before they all melt.” He took the picture from my hand and got up to put it on the table with the other gifts.

  “Do you mind grabbing a boob cookie for me, please?” I nodded toward the bouquet. “I have a funny taste in my mouth, and I need something sweet.”

  “Is there a specific boob you want?” He reached for the bouquet and started untying the bow around the cellophane.

  “Pick your favorite, I’ll share.” I giggled.

  Shaking his head at me, he grabbed a black lacy-looking bra cookie that had a pink flower in the middle. “No need to share. None of these interest me.”

  I rolled my eyes at him as I took a big bite of the black bra, and damn, it was good. “You’re missing out. Who knew boobs covered in icing were this good?”

  “I’ll find out eventually.” His phone buzzed with a message. “I need to take this. You should rest—why don’t you close your eyes for a bit. I brought some work with me, and I’ll just set up shop in the chair until you’re done.”

  “I had hoped that a bite of a sugary cookie would help, but I’m feeling pretty tired. Thanks for being here with me today. I couldn’t think of better company for my last treatment.” A yawn escaped, and I rolled to my side so I could look at him. I watched as he stepped out of the room to make a call. My eyes grew heavy, and I quickly fell asleep.


  I woke to the soft sound of Blake’s voice. “Congrats, Victoria, you’re done!” I opened my eyes to see his smiling face just as Margaret walked in to unhook me, with my oncologist, Dr. Guthrie, hot on her heels. The last drop of poison that was pumped through my veins to save me had been released into my bloodstream. It was over. It was bittersweet.

  “This is it, kiddo, you made it through,” Dr. Guthrie announced as Margaret locked off the drip and removed the line from my arm. “I’m in between appointments and just wanted to stop by to congratulate you on finishing chemo. I know the last several months haven’t been easy for you, but you have so much to be proud of. You have one final lab draw next week, then I’ll see you back in my office in three months. Take time to rest and get back into life. I’ll see you then.” She leaned down to give me a squeeze and shook Blake’s hand before leaving the room.

  Tears started to stream down my cheeks as the emotion of everything that had got me to this moment came rocketing toward me. This was it. I made it through chemo. The hell of the last four months was finally over. I was relieved that it was done, but the realization of what I had been through physically and mentally also came crashing in.

  Blake sat down and pulled me into the comfort of his arms. “It’s okay. You have been through hell, and I know this moment is hard for you.” He tightened his hold on me and nodded to Margaret to step out of the room since she was done.

  “Stop by the desk before you leave,” Margaret requested with an understanding smile. This wasn’t something new to her; in fact, I’m sure this was a normal thing for cancer patients.

  “I didn’t expect to feel like this. I’m sorry, I’m a complete mess when I should be happy and celebrating that it is over and done. You must think I’m nuts.”

  “No, I don’t think you’re nuts. My mom did the same thing when she finished chemo her first time around. You have been through a very emotionally draining experience, and while you should celebrate it, you also need to come to grips with all that you’ve been through. It’s normal.”

  “Normal?” I asked between sniffles.

  “You just finished chemo—of course it’s going to be emotional. I think it’s pretty normal for most patients from what I’ve heard. I’m just happy that I got to be here with you to close the chapter.”

  “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you. You’re incredible. Your strength and compassion alone has gotten me through some very tough times. Thank you for being you and for sharing yourself with me. It is the best gift I could’ve ever received.”

  “Always. Now, let’s get out of here and head home. You need to eat something, and then I’ll tuck you in for the
night. I told Jen I would stay with you since she’s out of town. She didn’t want you to be left alone. She set up the guest room for me.”

  “I appreciate you staying, but I would prefer if you didn’t stay in the guest room. Would you consider sleeping next to me? I miss the comfort of being held in strong arms.”

  “If that’s what you want, then yes, I’ll hold you all night.” He took my hand to help me from the bed. It was then that I noticed that the room was empty of my presents except for the flowers. “I brought them to the car while you were sleeping, but I didn’t want the roses to freeze.” He picked up the vase with his left hand and placed his other hand on the small of my back as we walked out of the room.

  Stopping at the desk to say farewell to Margaret was harder than I would’ve thought. She had a card with a little box waiting for me. I opened it before we left and found a necklace made of a thin pink ribbon with what looked like an angel at the bottom. “That is your chemo angel. She guided you through treatment the last four months and was the secret strength you didn’t know you had until now. She’s a part of you and will continue to remind you of how strong you are. Congratulations, Victoria.”

  “Thank you Margaret, for everything.” I gave her a hug before turning to leave.

  “Don’t be a stranger,” she called out as Blake guided me to the elevator.

  “I won’t be,” I replied as the elevator doors, as well as this chapter of my life, closed behind me.


  Just as he promised, Blake stayed by my side all night. Honestly, it was one of the best nights of post-chemo sleep I had had in months; however, I’m not sure he slept much, if at all.

  “Good morning, Sunshine. How are you feeling?” he asked cheerfully as he placed a piece of toast and a tall glass of water on my bedside table. “You need to get something in your stomach before you take your meds.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if you didn’t get much sleep last night. I know I’m restless after chemo and have a hard time staying still.”

  He leaned down and kissed my head. “I slept just fine. Do you want me to make you something more for breakfast?”

  “I’m craving blueberry pancakes, hash browns, and bacon.”

  “Wow. That is quite the order. Are you sure you’re up for all of that?”

  “I’m up for a taste of all of that, not sure how much I’ll actually eat.” It did sound good. “Can we go to Perkins? I’ll order from the kids’ menu—smaller portions. Please?”

  “I’d be happy to run to the store and make it for you, so you don’t have to get up if you don’t want to. Are you sure you want to go out?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I love Perkins.” I got out of bed and stepped into the closet to put on some clothes. A few minutes later, I came out dressed in oversized sweat pants and an athletic jacket.

  “You’re really up for going out to breakfast? I don’t want you to push it if you’re tired.”

  “I’m done with chemo, and I want to celebrate. I was a party pooper last night and need breakfast anyway. I can take a nap this afternoon when I’m tired. Please don’t deny me stuffing my face at Perkins,” I pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

  “I’m not going to get in the way of that—I know better. Let me change, and we’ll head out. We’re going to take it slow. I don’t want you to get dizzy or lightheaded rushing around. I remember my mom trying to push it, and it wasn’t pretty afterward.”

  “Yes, doctor,” I responded like a smart ass before taking a bite of the toast he had made me, even though it was now cold.

  “Pain-in-the-ass patient,” he called out with the same smart-ass tone as mine. I had met my match, and it left me smiling like an idiot.

  Chapter Six


  The next week flew by, and other than going in for labs a week after my last chemo treatment¸ I wasn’t scheduled for a medical appointment for several weeks. Quite honestly, I didn’t know what to do with myself. My life had revolved around doctor’s appointments; I needed to get out of the house and do something before I lost my mind. Jen, Dana and Bobbie Jo scheduled a spa day, claiming that I needed to get waxed, shined, and polished for my trip to Blake’s lake home in a few days.

  Butterflies were already fluttering in anticipation of going out of town with him. He had been working longer hours to get caught up before our escape up north. My mind began racing again. What the hell am I thinking? How could I fall so hard for someone so quickly, let alone a man who was my plastic surgeon several months ago? I needed to slow down. Maybe having a few days apart were good; I had become a bit too comfortable with him too quickly. Yeah, that’s it.


  Chemo really did a number on my hair, skin, and nails. The good news is that chemo causes hair loss . . . basically everywhere . . . so the waxing wasn’t really necessary, but I did have a few little areas that needed some clean up in the bikini area. I enjoyed getting exfoliated and moisturized as I had felt like a snake shedding skin and had given up on polishing my nails because they were brittle, and chipped easily. A day at the spa helped me to feel somewhat human again.

  “Do you ladies have time for a cocktail?” Bobbie Jo asked as she paid the spa tab.

  “Yes, but it’s my treat, and don’t you dare argue with me,” I warned. “You have picked up my tabs for everything the last few months, and I’m done. I have plenty of cash to treat you, courtesy of fuck-nuts’s settlement.”

  “There she is—the fire is back, and I love it.” Jen hip-bumped me and put her arm in mine and pulled me toward the door. “Where to, Toots?”

  We ended up in a classy little bar just a few doors down from the spa. I knew I would probably have a few cocktails on vacation, so figured I would have one with the girls to test the waters. Not really sure what kind of alcohol I wanted to introduce to my body again, I decided to try a light, fruity white wine since I knew a red would be a little heavy.

  “Cheers to sizzle tits finishing chemo and landing a hot doctor in the process,” Bobbie Jo toasted a little louder than necessary. They all raised a glass to me. I could feel eyes drawing toward our table and quickly toasted the girls and took a sip, trying to hide the blush creeping up on my cheeks.

  “Bobbie Jo, filter, please!” I pleaded as I set my glass down. Suddenly I was very aware of the feeling of a set of eyes burning into me from another table, which gave me the shivers. A little voice in my head screamed at me not to look, but of course I didn’t listen.

  I came eye to eye with a very familiar set of eyes that were glaring back at me. The last time I saw them, they were filled with pleasure—pleasure in the most evil sense of the word. Her injected lips hung open at what she must have overheard, but the bitch mask quickly slid back into place, and she even managed to flip the bitch switch up a notch. She tossed her overly bleached blonde hair over her shoulder and rested her chin on the palm of her left hand and tapped her devil-red, dagger like fingernails on her cheek. That’s when I noticed a gaudy-looking diamond ring she desperately wanted me to see. My stomach plummeted, and I felt bile starting to creep up my throat.

  How is this even possible? I sat staring back into the eyes of ultimate betrayal. The woman who decided to play a game with my life when I was already in the midst of a living hell was enjoying this little show. She didn’t give a shit. She wanted my husband, and she took him. Skank whore.

  I’d worked hard to move away from the negativity of what Noah had done to me without an ounce of emotion. But having it shoved right in my face, by her, when I was trying to find happiness again was a slap in the face. The adrenaline coursing through my body caused me to start shaking, and I knew I couldn’t look at that face any longer. But I wasn’t about to let her win that war by looking away; I couldn’t give her the satisfaction.

  “Fucking hell. What’s that bitch doing here?” I heard Dana curse. “I cannot believe she would stoop so low to shove that shit in your face. That woman needs a lesson, and I’m about to give her one she will never forge
t!” She turned to get off of her stool, but Bobbie Jo was quick to stop her.

  “Don’t waste your time on trash like that, Dana. She’s not worth the effort.” She turned her attention to me. “Victoria, don’t. Don’t let her get to you. You’re better than that. You’re better than her. Look at what you have and what she now has. I’m pretty sure any idiot can see you’re the winner.”

  With an unsteady hand, I lifted the glass of wine to my lips and finished it quickly. “Another,” I stammered to nobody in particular, and a new glass of wine was placed in front of me only moments later.

  “Slow it down, hotshot,” Jen warned, her voice laced with concern. “You’re still in ‘lightweight’ status, and I’m sure you don’t want to be sick tomorrow. Think about it.”

  “Fine. Order some food. I’ll be right back.” I stood so I could disappear into the bathroom to calm myself down. But I didn’t even make it one step before Bobbie Jo stood up. “No way. If you think you’re going alone, you’re sadly mistaken. That bitch would be all over you if she had the chance, and that shit’s not happening on my watch.”

  Dana quickly stood to join us, and I was flanked on both sides by my new security detail as I headed to the ladies’ room. I needed to get away from the woman who found pleasure in my discomfort and my hands hit the door to the ladies’ room a little harder than I intended. BAM! Oops. I put a nice ding in the wall.

  “Easy does it,” Dana uttered as she guided me to the sitting area in the ladies’ room. “Bobbie Jo, get her a wet towel or something.”

  “Got it.” Bobbie Jo disappeared through the door into the bathroom area.

  Dana crouched down in front of me. “Take a deep breath. You need to calm down—you’re still shaking. You need to focus on something good. Close your eyes and imagine being on a beach with the sound of the ocean waves rolling in.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing. “In through your nose, and out through your mouth. Just like that,” Dana encouraged.