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Beneath, You're Beautiful Page 11

  “No need to thank me. You did what you needed to do.” He saw me eyeing the green beans. “Hold on—I have a dipping sauce for them. Plus, you’ll burn your mouth until they cool down a bit.”

  “Yes, doctor.” I rolled my eyes as I sat on one of the stools at the counter. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind getting what you want to drink and bringing the plates and napkins over to the table in front of the TV, that would be great.”

  “Sure. What would you like to drink?”

  He waved a Stella Artois in the air. “Got it.”

  “Oh, that looks good. I haven’t had a beer in a while, and it sounds kinda good. Can I try a sip to see if I like it?”

  “Sure. Just don’t back wash.” I smirked as he handed it over to me.

  I took a small sip and let it linger a bit before taking another larger one. “Not bad. It has a different taste than what I’m used to.”

  “Belgians know how to make beer. It’s my favorite. If you want a bottle, grab one.” He nodded to the fridge before taking his bottle back and taking a long sip. I froze in my spot and watched his throat move as he swallowed. “Are you going to sit there all day and stare, or are we going to eat and watch a movie?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Um. Yeah. Let’s watch a movie,” I sputtered as I quickly got up and grabbed the plates, napkins, and a cold Stella from the fridge before planting my butt on the floor at the large square coffee table. Blake was right behind me with the stone full of hot appetizers to set down. Then he disappeared and returned with various dipping sauces and everything for lettuce wraps. “This is an impressive layout. Just the smell of it is making my mouth water.”

  “Go easy at first—I don’t want you getting a stomachache.”

  “No worries, I don’t want a stomachache either.” My eyes were darting all over the place, trying to decide where to begin. “I think I’ll start with the green beans—they caught my attention first.” I started to reach across the table for a plate.

  “Let me grab your plate.” He reached to his side and turned back toward me with a plate in his hand. Only there was something already on the plate. It was a classic blue box that most girls would easily recognize. All thoughts ceased, and I’m sure the shocked expression on my face caused Blake to panic. “Don’t worry, it’s not what you think it is.” He smiled, encouraging me to take the plate from him.

  I set it down on the table and picked up the Tiffany & Co. box that had been placed on it. I slid the white bow off the box and lifted the lid. Inside was a soft blue pouch with a notecard lying on top. I picked up the card first.


  You started your journey with two hearts from a friend as a sign of support and strength. I’d like you to have this heart as a sign of a future filled with love and hope.

  Blake xo

  “What on earth?” I asked under my breath, but of course he heard me.

  “Open it to find out.”

  I pulled the drawstrings open and inside was a silver bead bracelet with a pink heart charm on it. It matched the charm on the necklace Jen had bought me before I started treatment. “Oh,” I gasped, putting my hand to my mouth while tears formed in my eyes. “This . . . this is the matching bracelet to the necklace from Jen.”

  “I know. I asked her if it would be okay for me to get it for you. I didn’t want to infringe on her friend gift, but I thought you should have the matching bracelet.”

  “It’s beautiful.” I watched as he took it from me and clasped it onto my left wrist.

  “I hope you like it. It looks perfect on your wrist.”

  “I love it!” I threw my arms around his neck and planted a big, sloppy kiss on his check. “Thank you, I’ll treasure it.”

  Chapter Nine


  My phone rang late Tuesday afternoon as I was napping on Blake’s lap while he was reading. We had chosen to have a quiet day and not go anywhere, which was perfect. He reached for my phone and handed it to me. “It’s Bobbie Jo.”

  “Hey, Bobbie Jo. How’d today go?” I asked, trying to stay positive.

  “It was long and exhausting, and I wasn’t even the patient. Jillian was a champion going through all that she did, but she was pretty somber when we left. We don’t know anything yet, but it has taken a toll on her emotions, and she didn’t want to be alone tonight. She’s staying the night with me and just went to take a nap.” She sounded exhausted.

  “I’m glad she’s with you, she needs you right now,” I reassured her. “Did they just do the mammogram and ultrasound?”

  “Yeah. They found the spot and took a biopsy of it. I was in the room with her when they did it, and I don’t know how the hell you made it through that day alone. The stress I felt just sitting there was suffocating.”

  “It was stressful, but I just did what I needed to do. How the hell was I supposed to know what was going on? I just did what I was told and assumed it was normal procedure. Did they say anything about when they would have the results?”

  “They told her within the next day or two.”

  “Wow, that quick, huh?” I tried not to sound surprised. Somewhere inside, an uneasy feeling took over, and fear for my friend and her sister began to bubble up. I was told three to four days. Did the doctors already know something?

  “Yeah, which is a relief. Then she won’t have to worry about it anymore. Right?”

  “Right,” I answered back, not wanting to further the conversation down my train of thought. “So, what are your plans tonight?”

  “I was supposed to go to dinner with Jen and Dana, but I think I might cancel.”

  “No, don’t!” I exclaimed. “Jillian needs a distraction—invite them to come over for dinner. The three of you always have a way of making me forget things. Hell, call the Cabana Boys again.”

  “Ha! Right. Like they’d be available on short notice.” Bobbie Jo snorted. “However, we could do something fun with the girls. I should call them to see if they’d mind coming over to help me cheer Jillian up. That’s a great idea.” She perked up. “Thanks, Victoria, you’re the best!”

  “Anytime. I’m always happy to help. Give her a hug from me. I think we’re planning to come home either late tomorrow night or early Thursday. Call me when you hear something.”

  “Will do. Say hi to McHottie for me, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “What kind of response is that? I’m pretty sure there isn’t much you wouldn’t do.”

  “Exactly. I need to call Jen and Dana. Bye, Sizzle Tits.”

  “Bye.” I put down the phone, shaking my head at her. Only Bobbie Jo would joke with me and call me “Sizzle Tits” after she’s had a hard day. Her ability to go from somber to cheerful in an instant gave me whiplash. If I didn’t already know she was indeed mentally stable, I would question her sanity many days.

  “Everything okay?” Blake asked.

  “I guess.” I sat up and curled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. “They did a mammo, ultrasound, and biopsy. She was told they would have the results in a day or two, but I was told three to four days. Do you think they already know something? Honestly—as a medical professional.”

  “It’s hard to say, and my professional opinion is just an opinion because I’m not a radiologist, but if it is something they’re concerned about, it’s not uncommon for them to put a rush on the sample for testing. That’s at the discretion of the doctor.” He began to rub my back. “Are you afraid that it might be cancer?”

  “Yes. I have a really bad feeling about this. Bobbie Jo told me it was a large lump, and if it is cancer, then doesn’t that mean it’s more advanced?”

  “It would affect the staging of the cancer and how it is treated, if it is cancer. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We don’t know anything yet, and if it is cancer, I know you’ll do everything you can to give her guidance and support. Remember when I told you about the journey?”

I remember. Why?”

  “Remember when I explained that it will bring you many highs and lows, and while some journeys end well, some don’t?”

  I nodded my head.

  “What you need to realize is that regardless of the outcome, you have to find the positives to get you through. You found positives through everything you’ve been through, and look at you now—you’re rediscovering yourself. People always have a choice in how they deal with what’s presented to them. They can be angry, scared, accepting, or positive about how they handle the situation. It’s their life. Their decisions. They’re in control even though they might not think they are. It’s a choice.”

  I couldn’t argue that. He was right; it was a choice. “Agreed.”

  “You chose to be accepting and positive. I’m not saying that you didn’t feel angry or scared, but you suppressed those feelings so that you could feel strong and prepared for what was coming at you. If—and I’m saying IF—Jillian does have breast cancer, you’ll be there helping her and guiding her through her journey. Your positive energy will be felt by her, and she will feel your compassion and strength.”

  “I don’t want her to know what it feels like to have breast cancer. I don’t want her to have to go through what I have. Hell, I don’t want any woman to go through it—not even my worst enemy. Which says a lot!” I added sarcastically, knowing he would know who I was talking about.

  “I know you don’t, and that’s admirable. It says a lot about you as a person that you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy. You are an amazingly strong and beautiful person, inside and out. Your kindness knows no bounds.”

  “As does yours. You chose a profession so you could help people. You don’t know what kind of patient is going to walk through the door, but you are there to provide help to them, regardless of what they need or want. That can’t always be easy.”

  “It’s not. But there are those patients that make an impact on me and remind me of why I’m doing this. I think everyone’s profession has rewarding experiences and some that make you question why you showed up at work that day. We have the ability to be in control of our attitude in any situation, and you’ve just proven that. We are all here, living our lives, but we have the ability to decide what we want to do and how we want to live it. You and I both choose to live it with a positive attitude, and that’s why we click.”

  “That we do. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the last several months—it’s been quite a journey, but I’m glad you were on the path. Thank you for letting me share my fears.”

  “Always. I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, and for the next day and a half, you aren’t going anywhere either. So, now that you’re awake, sleepyhead, what would you like to do? I’d like to sit in the hot tub and watch the sunset, which will be in about a half hour. Would you care to join me?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.” I scrambled to my feet to go put on my swimsuit.

  “Not so fast. Where are you going? The hot tub is this way.” He pulled me to the French doors that led to the patio.

  “Umm. I need my suit and a towel.”

  “There’s towels right here in the hutch, and that’s all we need.” He pulled out two large and fluffy towels before opening the door to the patio. “Changing into a swimsuit is a waste of time and energy.”

  I felt my body heat starting to rise as we stepped outside. Blake made fast work of getting the cover off and a layer of steam rose as the heat of the water met the cold air. “What are you waiting for?” He made quick work of his clothes before stepping in, wearing nothing but a smile.

  Well then. I looked around, and even though I knew the cabin was surrounded by large evergreen trees and was up the hill from the lake, it was still light out, and there was a chance that someone could see us. I hesitated.

  “No one can see you. It’s completely private up here. Come on—the water is perfect.”

  I looked around and noticed that we were tucked back in the corner of the patio, and the only way someone would get a good look is if they actually stepped onto the patio. “Are you sure?”


  “Fine.” I quickly shed my clothes and moved faster than a cheetah, making a huge splash as I hopped in. Blake’s arms captured me, and he pulled me onto his lap, resting his chin on my shoulder.

  “Better?” he asked, holding me tight.

  I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. “Much. Thank you.”

  We sat in silence, listening to the sound of the jets, which was soothing. Even though I had taken a nap, the hot water relaxed me even more. Blake nudged my shoulder. “Look.”

  Opening my eyes, I was welcomed by a sky colored purple and red, with a large fiery-orange ball descending into the horizon. “Wow,” I sighed as we watched it completely disappear. Another beautiful end to the day.

  I felt the light pressure of warm lips on my shoulder and tilted my head to the side. His lips traveled a slow path up my neck while I felt his cock stirring to life behind me. I turned my head to meet his lips as they started along my jawline. His hands gripped my hips, lifting me so I could turn to face him.

  Once settled and straddling his hips, I began rocking back and forth, feeling him rub against me. I released a heavy breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. “That feels so good.”

  “Yes, it does.” He starting to rock his hips with mine, causing the water to start lapping up over the sides. “Hold on,” he instructed, and he shifted us over to the reclining lounge-style seat on the other side. He was lying back now, and the seat had jets coming up the entire length of the lounge from head to toe. “Scoot back a bit, down my legs.”

  He placed his hands on my thighs pushing me down his body and . . . HOLY SHIT! My clit was hit with the strong pulse of a jet that was right under me. “Oh fuck!” I hissed as I tried not to completely lose it right then and there.

  “That’s right, feel it. I want to watch you.” His eyes were blazing with lust. “Rock your hips, let it push you over the edge, then I want you to slide onto me so I can feel your walls constrict around my cock.”

  One orgasm coming right up!

  I shifted my hips again so that the power of the jet was hitting me right where I needed it and started bobbing up and down over it. Blake removed his hand from my left thigh and I could see by the ripple in the water that he was stroking himself while watching me. “Oh shit, I’m going to—” I called out as my muscles started to tighten.

  Shifting quickly up on my knees, I grabbed on to his shaft and slammed down on it without hesitation, sending me spiraling into an intense orgasm. It took all my strength to stay vertical as Blake held my hips and began to pump up into me with solid strokes. “God, you feel so good pulsing all around me.”

  The sensitivity of my clit started to subside, and I began rocking back and forth, matching his thrusts. “YES! God, yes!” he encouraged. I could feel him starting to tense underneath me and began to tighten my walls to push him over the edge. “Jesus . . . Where the hell did you learn to do that?” he grunted as I squeezed my muscles tight around him, and he thrust into me one last time before stilling. “So good. So damn good,” he muttered while I felt his release twitching inside of me.

  He leaned up and took my face in his hands. The light from inside the house was casting a soft glow on his face. “That was amazing, mind-blowing, and incredible.” He pulled me toward him and kissed me hard and long. Kissing after sex wasn’t something I had previous experience with; it was always come and done with Noah. I could get used to the post-sex affection and attention.

  I reached up to run my fingers through his hair, and the chill of the air hit my arms, giving me the shivers. Hoping that Blake wouldn’t notice, I kept kissing him, only to feel his resistance. “Oh, no, you don’t,” he scolded after we parted lips. “You’re cold, and I’m not going to let you freeze out here just so I can keep kissing you—we can do that inside.” He pulled out and shifted me onto the seat so he could ge
t out first.

  Grabbing a towel, he quickly wrapped it around himself before grabbing mine. “I’m ready for you. Come on.”

  I slid along the seat closer to where the steps were and hurried up and out of the tub and into the towel he was holding for me. “I’ve got it.” I gripped it tightly, and we scurried into the house. We both rushed into the bathroom to dry off.

  Blake dried off faster than me. “I’m going to go put the cover back on the tub and fetch our clothes. What sounds good for dinner?”

  “I’d like to make you breakfast for dinner tonight, if that’s okay?” I said.

  “Sounds good to me, but didn’t you warn me about your cooking?”

  “I do make a mean breakfast, and I put Betty Crocker to shame when it comes to baking.”

  “Show me what you’ve got!” He swatted my ass before leaving the bathroom.

  Hmm. That I can do! I grabbed the clothes he brought into the bathroom and headed back into the bedroom. Opening the top dresser drawer, I rummaged under my sweaters and found what I was looking for. Wonder Woman was making an appearance tonight.

  I pulled on the blue boy shorts that sported white stars and slipped on the printed cami. My eyes just about popped out of my head when I looked in the mirror and saw how the cami made Wonder Woman appear to have size 34DD breasts. I actually wished I had a brunette wig to put on to complete the look, but I was out of luck. Bald and brave was going to have to work.


  Pulling the eggs from the fridge, I looked over the ingredients I had for dinner and preheated the oven. Blake was in for a treat tonight. I decided to make German pancakes because they were simple but impressive, and bacon. Because let’s be honest, breakfast without bacon was a crime.

  After turning on “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child, I got to work on the pancakes. The butter was melting in the glass pie pans in the oven while I whisked the batter and sang along to the song. “After all of the darkness and sadness. Soon comes happiness.” Setting the bowl down on the counter, I danced over to the oven to pull the pans out and continued to shake my ass.