Beneath, You're Beautiful Read online

Page 8

  Blake shifted so he could lay back, and I laid my head on his chest as his arms held me against him. I began to listen to the gentle beating of his heart. Tha-thump . . . tha-thump. It was a steady beat that never faltered; it was strong and solid. My body began to calm as he began to softly rub my back. I used to feel safe in Noah’s arms, but the feeling of being in Blake’s embrace was different. So very different. It was, need I say, more.

  “What’s more?” I heard him whisper.

  “Dammit, I did it again, didn’t I?” I replied without moving. I was comfortable and didn’t want the feeling of security to disappear just yet.

  “You did.” He laughed. “It’s okay, I like when you think out loud.”

  “You’re one of the few.”

  “How are you feeling?” He brushed his lips across my head before resting his check against it.

  “Better, I guess. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Neither of us did, but I’m glad I was here when it happened. I’m sure you’re wiped out, and you should get some rest. I’d like a rain check on the rest of movie night, if that’s okay?” Blake shifted me off him. “I’m going to bring this stuff back to the kitchen, and I’ll be right back.”


  As I lay waiting for him, I realized just how exhausted I was. Even though my body didn’t feel as tired, my mind was wrecked. Blake stopped the movie that had been playing all along and scooped me up into his strong arms. “Let’s get you up to bed,” he said, and he carried me upstairs and set me down on the bed.

  “Thank you. I’m going to go wash my face and brush my teeth.” I darted for the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

  It was time to take stock of the mess I knew I would find looking back at me in the mirror. I was met by a pale-faced woman with dark circles under her red, puffy eyes. Thankfully her hair wasn’t a mess because she didn’t have any. Always find the positives. I grabbed a wash cloth and ran it over my face before brushing my teeth. It’s surprising how much minty-fresh breath made me feel better. I took one more look at the woman in the mirror and tried to find something positive to say to her, but came up blank so I shut off the light and headed for bed.

  The lamps on the bedside tables cast a soft glow over the room, and I found Blake propped up reading a book with glasses on. Damn, that’s sexy. “I didn’t know you wore glasses.”

  He looked up. “Only at night when I read. Climb in—I’m just about done with this chapter and then I’ll turn off the light.”

  “You don’t have to stop reading on my account.” I kicked off my pajama pants and crawled into bed. He had a perplexed look on his face. “I can’t sleep with my legs covered.”

  “That’s right. I forgot you kicked them off when you crawled into bed and passed out after chemo.” He smiled before focusing back on his book.

  I turned off my bedside light before lying down and rolling to my side so I was facing him. He was wearing a white T-shirt with gray pajama pants, his hair was a mess, and he had the perfect amount of stubble. There was no question that he was an attractive man, but when he added the glasses, damn, he was stunning.

  He glanced over, and I quickly closed my eyes so I wouldn’t get caught ogling, but the soft chuckle he let out told me I was busted. I heard him shut his book, set it down, and then click the switch on his light off. The bed jostled as he moved closer to me and slid his hand under me so he could pull me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed, “Good night, Blake.”

  “Sweet dreams, Love.”

  Chapter Seven


  I woke up early on Saturday to make sure I had everything ready to go. Blake was going to pick me up at ten for our trip up to his house on Gull Lake.

  We’d seen each other several times during the last week, and even snuck out to a movie. Yes, we sat in the back row and made out like teenagers. I was feeling more at ease around Blake physically, because there were no expectations. We’d been intimate several times, and I felt more confident sexually with him than I ever did with Noah. Which seemed weird considering we hadn’t actually had sex yet.

  All my luggage was in the front hall, and I had just sat down with my coffee when Bobbie Jo’s ring tone, “Crazy Bitch¸” started playing.

  “Good morning, hooker, what’s new?”

  I heard a sniffling Bobbie Jo on the other end. “I’m sorry to bug you . . . I know you’re getting ready to leave with Blake, but I need you.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I asked, apprehensive of what was coming next.

  “I’m okay. I just got a call from my sister, Jillian, and she found a lump in her breast while showering this morning . . . her breast is swollen and red. I don’t know what to do, Victoria. I’m scared.”

  “It’s going to be okay, Bobbie Jo. Where is she?”

  “She’s on her way over. We were supposed to meet for breakfast and go shopping today. But I don’t know if I can. I’m so worried about her and what if—”

  “Stop!” I interrupted. “No what ifs. You need to calm down because you are only going to make things worse when she gets there. I’m sure she’s afraid, and seeing you like this will only make matters worse. You need to be strong for her like you have been for me. Don’t you dare cancel your plans. You need to go out, have fun, and keep her mind off of it. Come Monday morning, you’ll call Dr. Freeman’s office and get her in to have it checked out. There is nothing you can do about it over the weekend.”

  “You make it sound so easy. I can’t be strong—I’m fucking freaking the hell out.”

  “Yes, you can, and you will. Bobbie Jo, she needs you, just like I did, and still do. You haven’t let me down, and you aren’t going to let her down either. Right now, you need to pull it together as best you can for when she shows up. Put on your happy face and take her out for a memorable day. She needs you to be a distraction.”

  “I know she does, but how am I supposed to just forget what she told me? How do I not think about the fact that she found a lump today? I can’t just shut my brain off like that, Victoria, and you know it.” She sounded defeated.

  “You can’t forget it, but you can focus on other things. Distract yourself too. Go to lunch and take her on a killer shopping spree. Think Pretty Woman–style shopping spree. You know, a ‘Cinda-fuckin-rella’ day like in the movie. If anyone can do that, it’s you. Give her a day that you’ll both remember. . . . Come on, Bobbie Jo, you know you can do it. I have faith in you—don’t let me down,” I pressured.

  “Hmm. Cinda-fuckin-rella day? That I could do. You definitely got my wheels turning, and you are right—I need a distraction for the two of us. I’m sorry for bothering you with this . . . it is the last thing you need to worry about. You’ve got your own issues. I’m such a bitch.”

  “No, you’re not. You needed a friend, and I’m glad you called me. Go have fun with Jillian and know that I’m here for the two of you if you need me. All you need to do is call her primary physician clinic on Monday for an appointment. I love you, Bobbie Jo.”

  “I love you too.” She sounded a little calmer. “What time is Blake picking you up?”

  “He should be here shortly. I have everything packed and ready—I’m just a little nervous about going out of town with him for five days. I’m not sure what we are going to do or talk about for all that time.”

  Bobbie Jo coughed. “You seriously don’t know what you’re going to do? You make me sad. Show off those sizzle tits and play doctor.”

  “Knock it off,” I scolded. “I won’t discuss this with you anymore. You have a day to plan with your sister, and I need to shower. Text me on Monday to let me know how things are going.”

  “I will,” Bobbie Jo promised. “And don’t let me down—you’ll be giving us all the details when you return. Jen and I are counting on it! Gotta run . . .” Click.

  No pressure at all. It’s not like I wasn’t nervous enough, and now I know the two of them are going to grill me. What have
I gotten myself into?

  I finished my now-cold cup of coffee and went upstairs to shower. As the water was heating up, I started to think back to when I found my lump and how I felt. It killed me to think about Jillian going through everything I did without someone there to comfort her. Even though Noah was a cheating son-of-a-bitch for what he did, he did provide comfort to me when I needed it. As much as I loathed the man, I was thankful for the fact that someone was there for me. Jillian was on her own, which meant there was nobody to distract her thoughts. The thought made my stomach roll.


  “Hello?” I heard Blake call from the foyer. “Are the bags by the door all you’re bringing?”

  I peeked my head over the banister and looked down to find him dressed in jeans with a sweater under a blazer. The man had a style about him that just worked, no matter what he was wearing. “Yep, that’s it.”

  He turned his head up to see me standing with my robe still on. A smile broke out on his face as he grabbed the bags. “I’ll go put these in the car now, otherwise we may never make it.”

  I giggled. “You go ahead and do that, I just need to get dressed and then I’m ready to go. It shouldn’t take me long.”

  “Okay, I’m going to go check the water heater and furnace to make sure they’re turned down while you are gone. Do you need me to set any lights on timers?”

  “No, it should be fine. Jen is going to stop over to check on things and grab my mail, but thank you. I’ll be down shortly.” I turned to go get dressed and put on my surprise . . . a set of silicone stick-on nipples with an areola. Yep, you read that right . . . STICK-ON NIPPLES!

  The blank Barbie bump look was driving me nuts, and I had heard about a store that catered to women who’ve had mastectomies, so I decided to check it out, and lo and behold, I was introduced to stick-on nipples. All I had to do was place them on the breast mound and—ta-da—I had nipples that would show through my clothes. Surprisingly, I missed having them, and I wondered if Blake would notice. Project Fake Nips was now commencing.

  I stuck them on both breasts where I assumed they would look the best and then carefully pulled on a satin and lace cami that matched my panties. I debated wearing the Wonder Woman set from Bobbie Jo but thought better of it.

  “Wow.” I looked in the mirror in my dressing area and saw nipples showing under the cami. Other than the fact that the tissue expanders were so high on my chest, they looked normal. I had the bits and pieces back . . . well, at least the appearance of them.

  I pulled on my jeans, a black cardigan sweater, and pink gauzy scarf before browsing my hat collection. I grabbed a gray wool hat that Dana picked out for me when we went shopping. It was a cloche-style hat with a thick side bow and subtle pleating at the crown. It was fun and chic—perfect for how I was feeling.

  A masculine whistle came from behind me. Leaning my head to the side, I saw the reflection of Blake standing against the doorway behind me. “You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?”

  “I am,” I replied, a blush coloring my cheeks. “You startled me.”

  “Payback for the popcorn show.” He smiled. “Let’s hit the road. I have a hot cup of mango tea from Caribou waiting for you in the car, and we have a three hour drive ahead of us.”

  “Lead the way.”

  “After you.” He stood to the side to let me pass.

  Once downstairs, I grabbed my purse and looked around to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything. “I think I have everything.”

  “I did a once-over through the kitchen and utility room, and everything looks good.”

  “Thank you.”

  Blake held the front door open for me, and I paused to lock the door as he went to start the car. When I turned around, he was holding the passenger door to his Range Rover Sport SUV open for me. I slid onto the soft, heated leather seat and buckled up as he walked around the front of the vehicle and got in.

  “Let’s go.” He gave me his best sexy smile and backed out of my driveway. We quickly got on to the interstate heading north, and I began to feel a bit more relaxed getting out of town for a few days. Stretching my legs out, I laid my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes. The vehicle was so quiet and smooth, I barely knew we were moving. I loved my Mercedes, but this had a whole other level of luxury, probably because Blake had all the add-ons, no doubt.

  Blake turned on the sound system and “Running Around in My Dreams” by Tyrone Wells began to play. I recognized the song from a movie, but I couldn’t recall what it was. “Wasn’t this in a movie?” I asked.

  “It was in Something Borrowed. I love the soundtrack.” He reached for my hand and starting singing along, “You are the girl that’s been running around in my dreams . . .”

  Damn. The man could sing, and he was successful in bringing the butterflies back to life in my stomach. It was going to be a long ride to his lake house.

  The drive went quickly as the conversation between the two of us started to flow, not that it took much effort. I truly felt comfortable talking with Blake, and I even shared the news about Bobbie Jo’s sister with him. He didn’t say much on a professional level but was very supportive in listening to me and allowing me to get my feelings out. I was afraid for Jillian, and my fears were realized as I spoke about her. What were the chances of her actually having breast cancer? I’d never known anyone who had it until I heard those words. I hoped she would never hear them.

  I noticed driveway signs with last names on them as we traveled around Gull Lake. Most of the homes were on the lake, so it was virtually impossible to see the house number from the road. We curved down a hill before seeing “Forrester,” announcing our arrival. We made our way down the snowy driveway, and a single-level cottage-style home came into view.

  The picture he had shown me didn’t do the house justice; it was charming and the ideal escape from the city for a few days. Snow blanketed the ground and landscape shrubs, as well as the steps leading up to the front door. Blake came to a stop in a circular driveway. “Here we are. I hope you like it.”

  “It looks perfect.” I reached for the door handle to get out.


  I watched as Blake got out of the car and walked around to open my door. Such a gentleman. “Welcome to our home for the next few days.” He offered his hand to me and helped me out. “A friend of mine stopped by to get everything ready for us. The kitchen is stocked, and we don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to.”

  “I really like the sound of that.” I walked toward the steps to the front porch. Two large black rocking chairs sat in front of a large window with a dusting of snow on the seats. It was something out of a magazine. “This isn’t anything like I had imagined. Wow. Just . . . wow.”

  “This one of my favorite places to disappear to. It’s quiet, peaceful, and everything I need to relax year round. Come on in.” He unlocked the door and ushered me in.

  The moment the door closed behind me, I felt at home. The main area was one large living area with a family room, dining area, and kitchen. A stone fireplace was set in the corner and maple hardwood floors covered the entire space. Cream-colored paneled walls gave it a shabby-chic feel, and candles flickered on a table next to a vase of white roses, giving the home a warm feel. Two cushion-back sofas flanked a large stocky wood table. The large flat-screen TV that was set on an entertainment table was the only thing that screamed “a man lives here.” It wasn’t feminine or masculine—it was the right blend of both.

  “You had me hooked when you drove up, but now I think you’re going to have a hard time removing me from here in a few days. Blake, this is just amazing. Thank you for sharing this with me. It’s exactly what the doctor ordered.” This place was beyond anything I would have expected.

  He wrapped his arms around me from behind. “I’m so happy you like it.” He kissed the back of my neck before stepping back. “Why don’t you take a look around while I get our bags? There’s not much else to see other than the master b
edroom and a second bedroom that is currently my office. Oh, I almost forgot the hot tub out back, but we’ll check that out tomorrow. I’ll be right back.”

  I wandered into the bedroom, which had beige painted paneling and white bedding with sheer curtains surrounding it from rails attached to the ceiling. The room was softly lit by two small silver lamps on the bedside tables and a vase of white roses subtly scented the room. A small chandelier hung over the bed, which surprised me.

  “That was there when I bought the house, and I have yet to find another fixture to replace it.” Blake set our bags down at the foot of the bed. “It’s too frilly for my taste.”

  “I was just thinking that it seemed a bit out of place.” I laughed. “I’d be happy to help you find a replacement. I’m starting to miss working, and my creative juices need a kick start soon.”

  “Done. You’re hired.”


  “Feel free to use the dresser to unpack your clothes, and there is an empty drawer or two in the vanity in the bathroom. I’m going to go get some wood to start a fire.”

  “About that—wasn’t it a bit risky to have candles going when we weren’t here yet?”

  “Mrs. Hayes, my neighbor, was the one who helped me get everything set up. She lives down the road and lit them when we were a few minutes away.”

  “And how did she know we were only minutes away?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Her husband saw us turn down the road and let her know. They were rather excited when I told them I was bringing a woman with me and insisted on making it special. I didn’t have the heart to turn her down. She really is a sweet woman, and a closet romantic I guess, though you’d never know it if you met her.”